As the voice of the e-commerce industry, Ecommerce Europe provides EU policy makers and companies with first-hand information and workable solutions for the main obstacles online businesses face when trying to sell goods and/or services in other EU Member States. “We have to make sure that we do not make things more complex for the online sector. The Barometer is a useful tool to identify exact problems and assess developments in the e-commerce market following policy initiatives taken at EU level”, declared the Secretary General of Ecommerce Europe, Marlene ten Ham.
The Barometer analysis report examines more in-depth each of the three main barriers to cross-border e-commerce in order to provide detailed and evidence-based facts & figures about the issues which – according to online merchants – require immediate attention and solutions. Furthermore, this year’s study has a dedicated part to merchants’ attitudes towards the increasing globalization of e-commerce. Most of the companies that replied to the survey believe that the globalization of e-commerce will foster unfair competition between EU and extra-EU online merchants.
Click here to download a copy of the analysis report of our “Cross-border E-commerce Barometer 2016”.
About Ecommerce Europe
Ecommerce Europe is the association representing 25,000+ companies selling goods and/or services online to consumers in Europe. Founded by leading national e-commerce associations, Ecommerce Europe is the voice of the e-commerce sector in Europe. Its mission is to stimulate cross-border e-commerce through lobbying for better or desired policy, by offering a European platform for European e-commerce sector and other stakeholders, and by providing in-depth research data about European markets. Moreover, Ecommerce Europe provides more than 10,000 certified online companies across Europe with a European Trustmark label, with the aim of increasing consumers’ trust in cross-border purchases.
Website: www.ecommerce-europe.eu
National associations which are members of Ecommerce Europe
Belgium | Becommerce | www.becommerce.be |
Czech Republic | APEK | www.apek.cz |
Denmark | FDIH | www.fdih.dk |
Finland | Finnish Commerce Federation | www.kauppa.fi |
Finland | Internet Industry Finland | www.verkkoteollisuus.fi |
France | FEVAD | www.fevad.com |
Germany | Händlerbund e.V. | www.haendlerbund.de |
Greece | GRECA | www.greekecommerce.gr |
Hungary | SzEK.org | www.szek.org |
Ireland | Retail Excellence Ireland | www.retailexcellence.ie |
Italy | Netcomm | www.consorzionetcomm.it |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg E-commerce Association | www.ecom.lu |
The Netherlands | Thuiswinkel.org | www.thuiswinkel.org |
Norway | Virke | www.virke.no |
Poland | e-Commerce Polska | www.ecommercepolska.pl |
Portugal | ACEPI | www.acepi.pt |
Spain | Adigital | www.adigital.org |
Switzerland | NetComm Suisse | www.netcommsuisse.ch |
Ecommerce Europe AISBL
Rue de Trèves 59-61, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Website: www.ecommerce-europe.eu
Twitter: @Ecommerce_EU
Press contact Ecommerce Europe
Marlene ten Ham
Secretary General
Tel.: +32 2 502 31 34
Email: marlenetenham@ecommerce-europe.eu